I will try to explain the same error as yours.

Have you checking if the authentication manager is getting the right 

1-I am now getting this:

DEBUG   (2002-09-23) 03:19.57:700   [core.manager] (/myapp/my-login) 
Thread-6/ResourceLimitingPool: Got a 
from the pool.
DEBUG   (2002-09-23) 03:19.57:700   [core.roles] (/myapps/my-login) 
Thread-6/DefaultRoleManager: looking up shorthand authentication-manager, 
DEBUG   (2002-09-23) 03:19.57:701   [core.authentication-manager] 
(/multipremios/ags-login) Thread-6/AuthenticationManager: BEGIN authenticate 
handler=myhandler, parameters=SourceParameters: {password = (), name = ()}
2-The sitemap is not "serving" the params as requested, see the fragment of my 

<map:match pattern="ags-login">
        <map:act type="auth-login">
            <map:parameter name="handler" value="agshandler"/>
            <map:parameter name="parameter_name"
            <map:parameter name="parameter_password"
            <map:redirect-to uri="{request:url}"/>
        <!-- An error ocurred -->
        <map:generate src="docs/aut-error.xsp" type="serverpages"/>
        <map:transform src="stylesheets/thestyle.xsl"/>
        <map:transform type="encodeURL"/>

3-I also check and the caller is serving the params as follow (from core.log):


PARAM: 'password' VALUES: '[mypass]'
PARAM: 'name' VALUES: '[myname]'

4-What I am doing wrong?

Thanks in advance,

Antonio Gallardo

El Viernes, 20 de Septiembre de 2002 16:09, Steven Cummings escribió:
> Hello,
> I have what *seems* to be a problem redirecting to an XSP after
> authentication. At first I was trying out the sunRise components per
> Matthew's tutorial and it seems to work until my login component in the
> pipeline is called, and the authentication pipeline configured in the
> handler is called. When this occurs I get a blank page and NO error
> message. I looked at my log files and it appears that the login pipeline
> uses the sunRise config to call my authentication component, which happens
> to be an XSP and then it just kind of stops. I don't see any error messages
> in the log, and the page returned is blank.
> Then I tried the same situation with my own custom authentication
> components (having NOTHING to do with sunRise), just my own set of actions
> and sitemap flow-control. Again, all was fine and well until a redirect to
> my authenticate.xsp was made, and a blank page was returned and no
> information in the log file. This seems really wierd to me. My XSP does do
> work, and I would figure that some exception would be thrown at the very
> least. Does this problem sound familiar to anyone? I couldn't find this
> problem in the mailing list archives. Thanks ahead of time for any help
> anyone can provide.
> /S

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