
   we have the following problem:
   We have an application where we use the authentication framework for
   At successful authentication we write the user data to the
authentication context.
   After the user is logged in we like to work with the stored data in the
session context like following:
   The user clicks a link  and we have to load information from a database.
   Therefore we wrote a generator which gets out the user information from
the authentication
    session context, queries the database and returns xml.
    This works fine as long as we are not using aggregation or the cocoon
   (we donīt really know in the moment where the problem lies).
   Here is the part of the sitemap:

      <map:act type="locale">
        <map:parameter name="parameters" value="true" />
        <map:act type="auth-protect">
          <map:parameter name="handler" value="loginhandler" />
          <map:match pattern="gallery.xml">
            <map:generate type="gallery" />
            <map:serialize type="xml" />
          <map:match pattern="*.html">
            <map:aggregate element="inbox">
              <map:part src="cocoon:/gallery.xml" />
              <map:part src="WEB-INF/xml/{1}.xml" />
              <map:part src="WEB-INF/xml/userinbox.xml" />
              <map:part src="WEB-INF/xml/msapp.xml" />
<!--map:part src="WEB-INF/xml/gallery.xml" /-->
            <map:transform type="i18n">
              <map:parameter name="locale" value="{../locale}" />
              <map:parameter name="catalogue-name" value="{1}" />
            <map:transform src="WEB-INF/xsl/{1}.xsl">
              <map:parameter name="use-request-parameters" value="true" />
            <map:serialize />

If we request gallery.xml after login from the browser everything works
If we try the same thing with the aggregation and the cocoon protocol, we
get an empty map
in our generator when doing:
meaning are not getting the data from the authentication session context.

Anybody tried something like this before - or is there a beter way to do

Thanx again for any help,


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