
Some comments.

1. Saxon does *not* support incremental processing, thus:
<parameter name="incremental-processing" value="false"/>
effectively does nothing.

2. Saxon works with XSP. I do have an app with Saxon only (no Xalan) and 
XSPs. Never had any problem. The only problem is you still need 
Xalan.jar if you are using XPath component.

3. I might be mistaken, but I do not see why Saxon needs to be modified. 
Cocoon  by default will use Xerces parser, not Aelfred, and from Saxon 
only XSLT engine will be used.


Gabriele Domenichini wrote:

>I have succeded in transforming Docbook to pdf and to html on cocoon 2.0.3 
>using the stylesheet by Norman Walsh on the official docbook repository 
>Cocoon has some weakness in doing this and I spent 15 days to make it work 
>properly, so if you want save some time and you want to do something similar 
>you are interested in this mail.
>What I learned is that:
>1. While xalan can do docbook transformation to xslfo correctly from the 
>command line, on cocoon it can't.
>2. If you use Saxon instead of xalan the transformation is almost successful 
>but not completly: ie. I lost all the sect1/title.
>3. If you use Saxon you loose all the xsp capabilities in cocoon (I want to 
>make sql transformation with as400 and Oracle)
>4. Incremental processing is not suggested for docbook to pdf transformation
>The solutions I have found to this problems thanks to all I have read on the 
>mailing lists and on the official site is:
>1. Setting up cocoon to use xalan and saxon in alternative (defult: xalan) and 
>set incremental processing to false in Saxon
>2. Renaming saxon.jar to z-saxon.jar (I am not sure if is necessary but in 
>this way works)
>3. Modifying Saxon to make it use the parser xerces instead of aelfred 
>Let'see theese points in detail
>1. Setting up cocoon to use xalan and saxon in alternative (defult: xalan) and 
>set incremental processing to false in Saxon.
>To do this:
>1.1 Put saxon652.jar WEB-INF/lib ( in the cocoon directory of course)
>1.2 Here are extracts of  what you have to add in cocoon.xconf and 
># cocoon.xconf 
>    role="org.apache.cocoon.components.xslt.XSLTProcessor/Saxon"
>    class="org.apache.cocoon.components.xslt.XSLTProcessorImpl"
>    logger="core.xslt-processor">
>  <parameter name="use-store" value="true"/>
>  <parameter name="incremental-processing" value="false"/>
>  <parameter name="transformer-factory"
># sitemap.xmap
><map:transformer name="xslt-saxon" pool-grow="2" pool-max="32" pool-min="8"
>       src="org.apache.cocoon.transformation.TraxTransformer">
>    <use-request-parameters>false</use-request-parameters>
>    <use-browser-capabilities-db>false</use-browser-capabilities-db>
>  </map:transformer>"
>in yor pipeline when you do a transformation from docbook to pdf you will use 
>something similar:
><map:match pattern="*.pdf">
>       <map:generate src="{1}.docbook"/>
>       <map:tranform type="xslt-saxon" src="WhereverYouPutIt/fo/docbook.xsl"/>
>       <map:serialize type="fo2pdf"/>
><map:match pattern="*.html">
>       <map:generate src="{1}.docbook"/>
>       <map:tranform type="xslt-saxon" src="WhereverYouPutIt/html/docbook.xsl"/>
>       <map:serialize type="fo2pdf"/>
>In this way if you will leave xslt as the default type of transformation, you 
>will use use xalan and all his xsp capabilities for all the the other cocoon 
>2. Renaming saxon.jar z-saxon.jar (I am not sure that is necessary but in this 
>way works)
>3. Modifying Saxon to make it use xerces instead of aelfred as parser
>Change the content of
>META-INF/services/javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory from
>com.icl.saxon.aelfred.SAXParserFactoryImpl to
>org.apache.xerces.jaxp.SAXParserFactoryImpl. That tells
>Saxon to use xerces instead of aelfred as parser.
>Don't be worried it is not so complicated: you have to extract the file 
>(javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory) from saxon.jar edit it (is a text file) 
>and to put it again in the same place in saxon.jar
>I must say that the Saxon and xalan problems in using Norman Walsh's 
>stylesheets should be addressed inside cocoon developing activity. It 
>shouldn't be so hard to make docbook to pdf transformation work.
>Comments are welcome.
>Gabriele Domenichini
>To use different xslt processors or different behaviour of the same:
>To use saxon in alternative the mail from which I took the solution is: 
>( which 
>tell exactly what to do:
>To change the behavior of saxon there's a mail 
>( which 
>explain three workaround. I have choosen the third

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