Alex Romayev wrote:
> > This is currently hard coded into the transformer(!)
> > which
> > means you can't do anything against it...
> > The InsertTransformer has been merged with the
> > SourceWritingTransformer
> > in 2.1-dev - the SourceWritingTransformer can be
> > configured
> > to what encoding should be used.
> I did a quick search for "ISO-8859-1" in source files
> and nothing related to InsertTransformer came up.  Is
> there a workaround you could suggest until 2.1 comes
> out?  By the way, is there a rough timeline for this
> release?
It's not directly in the transformer. The transformer uses
a component called ResourceConnector and this does the
saving. The connector uses
to serialize the XML and there you will find this setting.

A rough time line for 2.1 is end of this year, I guess
+/- 1 or 2 months...

> The namespaces in content/news.xml.  By the way, I've
> raised this problem with SourceWriting transformer as
> well and haven't seen it in the recent bug-list
> e-mail.  I'm just thinking that if the two got merged,
> the problem might still be there.
Can you give a complete test case for this? (Sitemap
snippet plus the two xml files) - If you can provide
this I will try to find the bug as soon as I have


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