I'm new to this, too. But I read the tutorial that says if you download the binary 
distribution you don't have to build cocoon? Your system is Windows so I assume you 
downloaded the binary distribution?
=========Five dozens roses of love========
=====Keep the spirit of love flourish=====

On Tue, 08 Oct 2002 19:19:48   David Turton wrote:
>This is most likely an issue with my Forte setup, but being relatively
>new to both worlds I was hoping that a helpful Cocoonite could point me
>in the right direction. 
>Cocoon 2.0.3
>Forte CE
>J2SE 1.4.1
>Building Cocoon from command line => everything works fine.
>Building Cocoon from inside Forte => the Ant script fails when
>attempting to do a "Build All" - at the compilation stage. Ive included
>the build output below. 
>I'm presuming the problem lies the fact that the command line build
>executes a couple of batch files first, which setup extra classpaths,
>before letting Ant take over... Whereas Forte doesn't unless I make it.
>The problem is that I don't know the best/easiest way to configure this.
>Help appreciated!!
>Thankyou and regards,
>            Apache Cocoon 2.0.3 [1999-2002]                  
>Building with Ant version 1.4.1 compiled on October 11 2001 using build
>file D:\Apache Group\cocoon-2.0.3\build.xml
> WARNING:                                                     
>   This build is targetted for use with JVM 1.4
>   Using this build on a virtual machine other than the one   
>   it is targetted for may result in runtime errors.          
>Created dir: D:\Apache Group\cocoon-2.0.3\build\cocoon
>Transforming into D:\Apache
>Transforming into D:\Apache
>Loading stylesheet D:\Apache
>Created dir: D:\Apache Group\cocoon-2.0.3\build\cocoon\classes
>Copying 661 files to D:\Apache Group\cocoon-2.0.3\build\cocoon\src
>Copied 1 empty directory to D:\Apache
>Created dir: D:\Apache Group\cocoon-2.0.3\build\cocoon\scratchpad\src
>Created dir: D:\Apache
>Copying 183 files to D:\Apache
>Copying 28 files to D:\Apache Group\cocoon-2.0.3\build\cocoon\classes
>Compiling with Java 1.4, debug on, optimize off, deprecation off
>Compiling 607 source files to D:\Apache
>Javac.java [111] package sun.tools.javac does not exist
>    sun.tools.javac.Main compiler = new sun.tools.javac.Main(err,
>                   ^
>Javac.java [111] package sun.tools.javac does not exist
>    sun.tools.javac.Main compiler = new sun.tools.javac.Main(err,
>                                                       ^
>2 errors
>build.xml [704] Compile failed, messages should have been provided.
>BUILD FAILED Total time: 41 seconds


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