
i am just wondering: if and how do you document your cocoon projects? I
don´t mean cocoon itself, but the projects you build up on cocoon.

For the moment i am working on my own, but i  think if i should give the
results in someoneelse´s hand, noone could easily understand what i did and
why i did it. Also when developing in a team, a project documentation would
be useful. (Besides that i sometimes loose my own structure ;)

Are there any thougths about how to structure a cocoon project
documentation? Is there maybe a graphical notation on what happens inside
cocoon? E. g. which context is mapped where to and what kind of generators,
transformators etc. are applied? Any tools you can recommend?

best regards

Please check that your question  has not already been answered in the
FAQ before posting.     <http://xml.apache.org/cocoon/faq/index.html>

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