I dont know, but the current built is a little buggy....

I recommend you to build 2 times after a build clean.

Then try again.

Antonio Gallardo

El Viernes, 11 de Octubre de 2002 19:36, aps olute escribió:
> I have searched the list and seems no one responded
> with a working solution to this:
> http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=xml-cocoon-users&m=103109619221782&w=2
> I am experiencing this now to.  The requested URI
> "/cocoon/samples/xmlform/howto-wizard.html" was not
> found.
> I have exact same version of tomcat 4.1.9 and c2 ver
> 2.1.  I can run the wizard example fine. I looked at
> the WizardAction.java and compared with
> HowtoWizardAction.java, just one additional import
> org.apache.excalibur.source.Source; is what I can
> recognize but it seems it is not even used in the
> body.
> I have built it using the build.xml just like the
> howto  said so, and deployed.
> Can someone shed some light and help a newbie please?
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