On 14.Oct.2002 -- 07:22 PM, Christian Haul wrote:
> On 14.Oct.2002 -- 12:41 PM, Bobby Mitchell wrote:
> > Antonio Gallardo Rivera wrote:
> > 
> > >Try using this:
> > >
> > ><map:match type="request-parameter" pattern="cocoon-action-*">
> > ><snip>
> > >
> > This example will match a request parameter with the name of 
> > cocoon-action-*, with the * as a literal character. I have tried all 
> > sorts of different matchers and haven't found one that works.
> > 
> > Anybody else got any tips?
> Put
>    <map:matcher logger="sitemap.matcher.next-page" name="wildcard-req-param" 
> in your sitemap and use that one.
> i.e. <map:match type="wildcard-req-param" pattern="cocoon-action-*">

Obviously, this won't work because it matches the _value_ of a request
parameter, not the name, and this parameter is not given.

So, no, I think it is not possible with stock matchers. Guess you need
to write your own action for that.

However, there is a RequestParameterExistsAction that could be used if
you knew all possible values for "*"

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