I think this snippet that I gleaned from the list a while back
(didn't thank the author in my comment, unfortunately, so I don't
remember who) addresses what you're asking:

        Allows initialization code to be executed exactly once.
        This was expressed as:
        <xsl:template match="xsp:page/*[not(starts-with(name(.), 'xsp:'))]">
        in the xsp docs with Cocoon, but I think what's below is prettier.
<xsl:template match="xsp:page/*[not(self::xsp:*)]">
     <xsl:apply-templates select="@*"/>
     // This code ends up inside populateDocument() before any user code
      String productId = request.getParameter("productid");

Sonny Sukumar wrote:
> Hi guys,
> I sent the following message (below the line) yesterday and got one good suggestion 
>to use 
> <xsp:logic>
>     String productId = request.getParameter("productid");
> </xsp:logic>
> instead of 
> <xsp:logic>
>     String productId = <xsp-request:get-parameter name="productid"/>;
> </xsp:logic>
> However, it did not work..same problem with the ordering of the generated Java code 
>for the XSP which causes productId to try to be used (to create an attribute value 
>for the root element) before it is declared.  I would REALLY appreciate any insight 
>into this.
> Thanks. :-)
> ______________________________________________________________________________
> Using: Cocoon 2.0.3 with Tomcat 4.1.12 on Redhat 7.3
> My problem is this:  I'm writing an XSP and trying to insert an attribute
> in the root element of my document.  The root element is <Product>, as this
> doc stores product info.  
> Anyhow, a logicsheet inserts an
> <xsp:attribute>
>   <xsp:expr>products.getCategory(productId)</xsp:expr>
> </xsp:attribute>
> into my XSP within the <Product> element.  Now, the productId variable is
> declared like this *right* below the root <Product> element in the XSP:
> <Product>
>   <xsp:logic>
>     String productId = <xsp-request:get-parameter name="productid" default=""/>;
>   </xsp:logic>
>  ...
> The problem is that in the Java class generated for the XSP declares productId
> AFTER the attribute code tries to call products.getCategory using productId
> as a parameter.  This is the ONLY thing causing the error as far as I can
> tell, as the code works fine without putting in the attribute.
> Note that NO MATTER WHERE the <xsp:attribute>..</xsp:attribute> code gets
> inserted within the <Product></Product> block, the generated Java code still
> has the same ordering problem.
> Does anybody know how to fix this?  I would have put the productId declaration
> above the root element (i.e. made it a class member of the generated Java
> class), but apparently one can't use the xsp-request logicsheet tags at the
> class level.  I don't know why this is the case either.
> Thanks for the help!
> Sonny
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Jerry Fowler
Bioinformatics, Xeotron Corporation
+1 713.842.2121 x292
8275 El Rio, Suite 130
Houston, Texas 77054

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