Thanks for the info.

Antonio Gallardo

El Martes, 15 de Octubre de 2002 17:26, Bobby Mitchell escribió:
> Antonio Gallardo Rivera wrote:
> >Hi, I am trying to run the Modular Dabatase Example from the Cocoon site,
> > but with PostgreSQL 7.2.
> >
> >I am using Cocoon 2.1 (lastest CVS), Java 1.4.1, Tomcat 4.1.12 on Red Hat
> >Linux 7.3.
> >
> >Someone make it work?
> >
> >I am having problems with:
> >
> ><table name="groups">
> >      <keys>
> >      <key name="gid" type="int" autoincrement="true">
> >            <mode name="auto"  type="autoincr"/>
> I got it to work with Sybase. Above, the mode name="auto", by default is
> configured in <cocoon>/WEB_INF/cocoon.xconf as
> org.apache.cocoon.components.modules.database.HsqlIdentityAutoIncrementModu
>le. I had to add a description for the ManualAutoIncrementModule.
> >         </key>
> >      </keys>
> >      <values>
> >         <value name="gname" type="string"/>
> >      </values>
> ></table>
> >
> >The problem is that always it trought me a exception that tell:
> >
> >java.sql.SQLException: ERROR:  ExecAppend: Fail to add null value in not
> > null attribute gname
> >
> >What I am doing wrong?
> >
> >Antonio Gallardo
> >
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