Hunsberger, Peter wrote:
>>>Why should I use carriage returns in my messages, Berin?
>>So that we don't have to scroll on forever in one direction, and it makes
> it
>>alot easier to interpose comments throughout your message--adding context
> to
>>other people's response.
> Berin, what mail client are you using?  Most have a configurable setting to
> tell them when to wrap long lines.  I for one only put in CR/LF when
> starting new paragraphs; I've been using e-mail for some 20 years now
> (showing my age! ;-) and never had anyone complain...

I've had other people complain to me about the same thing.

When you *respond* using Mozilla, what was once a auto-wrapped line is now
one long line that goes on forever.


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