>Could you be a bit more specific, what values you are referring to?
I had the most trouble figuring out the descriptor file.
   <key name="ID" type="string" autoincrement="false">
       <mode name="request" parameter="ID" type="all"/>
        <!-- if mode is not defined it defaults to request parameter -->
        <!-- name=<the name of the input-module or autoincrement-module 
as defined in cocoon.xconf/> -->
        <!--parameter=<the name of the parameter that the data is 
retrieved from, choices could be session attribute, request attribute, 
request parameter/>-->
        <!--type=<defined in table-set/table/others-mode, choices are: 
request, attrib, all/> -->
       <!-- if type="autoincr" , then name will be an 
autoincrement-module -->
            <!-- retrieve data from the mode tag with type=others-mode-->
            <!-- if a mode tag has a type="all" this tag is always used 
regardless of others-mode -->

<!-- mode tags are only useful in <key/> elements -->

I know that a lot of info is included in the database.xml file in the 
sample, but I think it would be helpful to slow people like me to have 
it in the documentation, also.


Robert J. (Bobby) Mitchell
Systems Administrator
NASA Institute for Advanced Concepts
555A 14th St Atlanta, Ga. 30318
Phone: (404)347-9633 Fax: (404)347-9638

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