
I'm not using quite the latest version from CVS, but
close to it.  I just haven't gotten around to checking
out the latest version and building it.

I've never gone after the snapshots, but have always
checked it out of cvs.

Since I am on Windows/2000 Pro, getting a reasonable
version of CVS is somewhat problematic.  I have found
jCVS ( to be a reasonable GUI
interface that works well.  One of these days I'll
install CVS in cygwin and then I'll be much happier.

Once you check out xml-cocoon2 from the CVS
repository, you'll need to build it.  In 2.1, the
library structure has changed a little bit, and you
now need to put local jars (jfor, activation, jndi,
etc.) in xml-cocoon2/lib/local.

Once you have your local jars in place, you can build
the war package with:

build -Dinclude.webapp.libs=yes
-Dinstall.war=%TOMCAT_HOME%\webapps webapp

(I prefer to copy the war in by hand).  You may not
instead.(Should this be mentioned in the build docs?)

Cocoon should deploy nicely on Tomcat and be
accessible via http://localhost:8080/cocoon/.  You'll
notice that the 2.1-dev software maps you to the
documentation by default.  To get to the samples, just
go to http://localhost:8080/cocoon/samples/.

I just checked my version of the portal application,
and the portal comes up correctly.  I have not stress
tested it, since I am nowhere near that point in my
development cycle.

Please note that since you are dealing with bleeding
edge development software, there are examples and
functionality that may be temporarily broken.  That's
the price you pay for being at the edge.

That said, I have found that as time progresses Cocoon
2.1 gets more and more robust.  Sounds like the Apache
and Cocoon teams have a great model for development. 
I am continually impressed with the software that has
been made available from the Apache organization.


just my two cents . . . .

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