Hello cocoon-users,
I need to generate some tiny XML elements (XMLFragment) within a ServerPageAction and I would like to use this XMLFragment later on in an XSL transformer, that is fed by an xml generator. The XMLFragment captured in the ServerPageAction is basically saying, which nodes are to be returned from the big input document.
From some other message in this group I have understood, that passing objects is only possible through session or request objects, but not through sitemap variables. I don't like to use a request generator as the starting point of the pipeline, as I'd loose cacheability at a very early step in the pipeline. With a quite big xml input document, this does not seem a good idea to me.
So I am currently struggling how to get a piece of XML, that is attached to a session or request object, into the xsl transformer. Has anybody tried this before e.g. using an XSL extension?
Any help or hints appreciated!
Thank you in advance,

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