Hi guys,

I am trying to get Cocoon 2.0.3 to work in the latest
JBoss (3.0.3/TomCat4.1.12).

I have it as a war file in an ear file (I do not want
to run it exploded). Things seem to work okay until I
access an XSP file and then I get a page full of
classpath related problems - this is weird because it
only happens with XSP compilation.

The docs don't have anything for JBoss3.0.3 (though
surely someone must have it working?). So I searched
the archives and found similar problems but no

Here is what Vadim says: 
"Are you trying to deploy cocoon.war or unpacked
webapp? If it is war file, see recent emails 
about manifest file: it must have some additional
entries in order to deploy Cocoon as a war archive."
I searched and searched but couldn't find the recent
emails in question. :-(

If someone knows the answer could they pse post it
here so that other people searching the archives in
the future won't need to post the same question.



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