I have come to a conclusion that either there has to
be way to submit an VXML page with field names like
"cocoon-xmlform-view" (Is there any way? I could not
find one) like this

 <submit method="get" next="wizard?"
 namelist="cocoon-xmlform-view city propertyType rent

(As I mention earlier VXML browser throws and
ECMAScript exception cuz of "-" in the variable name)

 or we need to make changes in XMLForm so that it is
in true practical sense "Device Independent Form".

By looking around the src I found out that Form.java
of XMLForm uses some constants from Constants.java

The following is the snippet of same:

from Form.java

   public static String  FORM_VIEW_PARAM =

   * filters custom request parameter
   * not refering to the model
   * @todo implement default filtering
   * for standard Cocoon parameters
   * like cocoon-action[-suffix]
    protected boolean filterRequestParameter( String
name )
    // filter standard cocoon-* parameters
    if ( filterDefaultRequestParameter( name ) )
return true;   
    // then consult with FormListeners
    Set ls = new HashSet();
    ls.addAll( Collections.synchronizedSet (
formListeners_ ) );
    Iterator iter = ls.iterator ();
    while (iter.hasNext())
      FormListener fl = (FormListener) iter.next();
      // if any of the listeners wants this parameter
      // then filter it (return true)
      if ( fl.filterRequestParameter( this, name ) )
return true;
    // if none of the listeners wants this parameter
    // then don't filter it
    return false;
    * Filters the standard cocoon request parameters.
    * If default filtering needs to be different,
    * subclasses can override this method.
    * It is invoked before all listeners are asked to
filter the parameter
    protected boolean filterDefaultRequestParameter(
String paramName )
      if ( paramName.startsWith (
        || paramName.startsWith ( Constants.VIEW_PARAM
        return true;
      if ( paramName.equals ( FORM_VIEW_PARAM ) ) 
        return true;
      else  return false;
     * Try to extract from the request
     * and return the current form view
    public String getFormView( Map objectModel )
      Request request =getRequest( objectModel );
      return (String) getRequest( objectModel
).getParameter ( Form.FORM_VIEW_PARAM );


from Constants.java
     * The request parameter name to request a
specific view of a resource.
     * FIXME(GP): Isn't this Servlet specific?
    String VIEW_PARAM     = "cocoon-view";

     * The request parameter name to trigger a
specific action.
     * FIXME(GP): Isn't this Servlet specific?
    String ACTION_PARAM   = "cocoon-action";

     * The request parameter prefix to trigger a
specific action.
     * FIXME(GP): Isn't this Servlet specific?
    String ACTION_PARAM_PREFIX   = "cocoon-action-";

So I am not sure if we need to fix this, if we need to
do v have to change the constants??

Or is there any other solution to this?


--- apurva zaveri <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > 
> > I don't understand.  Is the error produced on the
> > client or the server?  
> The error is produced in voiceXML browser [so
> client]
> The voiceXML browser expects this:
> <submit method="get" next="wizard?"
> namelist="cocoon-xmlform-view city propertyType rent
> cocoon-action-next"/>
> but it throws error cuz of "cocoon-xmlform-view" and
> is unable to execute the page. And on the server
> side
> cocoon expects to get "cocoon-xmlform-view" by http
> get method.
> Does
> > this markup:
> >       <var name="cocoon-action-next" expr="Next"/>
> > get transformed by xslt into a javascript variable
> > in the page sent to the
> > client?  
> No.
> Or is it part of the markup language of the
> > page?  Can you pass an
> > array in the namelist? i.e.,
> >       <submit next="wizard?"
> > namelist="Vars['cocoon-xmlform-view'], etc.
> I havent tried this as I thought cocoons XMLForm
> would
> not accept it like this. Or am I confused? :)
> > 
> > Sorry to be so thick; form elements commonly have
> > characters like "-" and "." in
> > their names; must be some way to work this out...
> > 
> > --Michael
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >                                                   
> >                                                 
> >                       apurva zaveri               
> >                                                 
> >                       <[EMAIL PROTECTED]        To:
> >     [EMAIL PROTECTED],                  
> >                       m>                       
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED]                       
> > 
> >                                                cc:
> >                                                 
> >                       10/19/02 10:21 PM       
> > Subject:  Re: XMLForm having "-" like             
> >  
> >                       Please respond to        
> > cocoon-action-next                                
> > 
> >                       cocoon-dev                  
> >                                                 
> >                                                   
> >                                                 
> >                                                   
> >                                                 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > >
> > > sorry, that should be:
> > >
> > >
> >
> > > also, if you need these to be variable names,
> use
> > an
> > > associative array:
> > >       var Vars=new Array()
> > >       Vars['cocoon-xmlform-view']="some view"
> > >       Vars['cocoon-action-prev']="some resource"
> > >       Vars['cocoon-action-next']="some resource"
> > > then
> > >       foo="cocoon-xmlform-view'
> > >       view=Vars[foo]
> > > etc.
> > 
> > oh nice. So the HTML problem is solved.
> > 
> > But in VXML you submit the form like this
> > 
> > <submit next="wizard?" namelist="city propertyType
> > rent"/>
> > 
> > The above statement is not a problem.
> > 
> > 
> > <var name="cocoon-action-next" expr="Next"/><!--
> > this
> vxml variable is actually
> > an javascript variable
> generated at the backend -->
> > 
> > <submit next="wizard?"
> >
namelist="cocoon-xmlform-view city propertyType rent cocoon-action-next"/>
> > <!-- even if i had an array I would have to
> > submit
> cocoon-xmlform-view variable.
> > how? -->
> > 
> > This gives an error.
> > 
> > -Apurva
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > >
> > > You guys are having way too much fun...
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >                       apurva zaveri
> > >
> > >                       <[EMAIL PROTECTED]       
> To:
> > >     [EMAIL PROTECTED],
> > >                       m>
> > >
> > >                                               
> cc:
> > >
> > >                       10/19/02 08:00 PM
> > > Subject:  XMLForm having "-" like
> > cocoon-action-next
> > >
> > >                       Please respond to
> > >
> > >                       cocoon-dev
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > XMLForm has form items named:
> > >
> > > cocoon-action-prev
> > > cocoon-action-next
> > > cocoon-xmlform-view
> > >
> > > all of them have "-" in it. Problem is
> javascript
> > > can
> > > not access such form items.
> > > i.e. you can not do
> > >
> > > documents.form.cocoon-xmlform-view.value
> > > or something like that.
> > >
> > > In HTML if you want to do this it will be an
> > > javascript error. [Although you may not run in a
> > > situation that demands to do that]
> > >
> > > But in VXML where all field in form are actually
> > > javascript variables you can not have a
> > field/js-var
> > > called "cocoon-action-next" as in javascript you
> > can
> > > not have a variable called "cocoon-action-next".
> > >
=== message truncated ===

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