On 24.Oct.2002 -- 09:38 PM, Samuel Bruce wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm using the latest CVS, TC 4.1.12, JDK 1.4.01.
> The mod-db action inserts the first row correctly, but
> fails on the second row insert. It seems to also fail
> attempting to rollback.
> Anything you can do to help is appreciated.

> Thread-10/DatabaseAction: Rolling back transaction.
> Caused by Syntax error or access violation: You have
> an error in your SQL syntax near 'CALL IDENTITY()' at
> line 1
> DEBUG   (2002-10-24) 23:56.37:520  
> [sitemap.action.mod-db-add] ()
> Thread-10/DatabaseAction: There was an error rolling
> back the transaction
> java.sql.SQLException: General error: Warning:  Some
> non-transactional changed tables couldn't be rolled
> back
>       at

> org.gjt.mm.mysql.MysqlIO.sendCommand(MysqlIO.java:497)
>       at

So, you are trying to use the autoincrement module for HSQLDB with
MySQL. That just won't work. Please use the MySQL one. For this, you
need to edit the cocoon.xconf and uncomment the correct module and
comment out the hsqldb one. mod-db uses the one with shorthand "auto"
unless instructed otherwise.

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