If you are interested in XML Pipelines and XML transformation, check out: http://www.orbeon.com/oxf/whitepaper.xhtml



Jeremy Quinn wrote:
Have a look at the 'editor' sample in Cocoon 2.1.dev, it does exactly this.

regards Jeremy

On Thursday, Oct 24, 2002, at 20:27 Europe/London, Oskar Casquero wrote:

Is it possible to call a pipeline, that returns SAX events representing an stylesheet, from the "src" attribute of a <map:transform> element? I'm trying to do it in the following pipeline but it doesn't work.

<map:match pattern="schematronValidationResponse">

<map:generate type="stream">

<map:parameter name="form-name" value="document"/>


<map:transform src="cocoon:/schematron2compiledSchematron"/>

<map:serialize type="xml"/>


<map:match pattern="schematron2compiledSchematron">

<map:generate src="schemas/berta.xsd"/>

<map:transform src="stylesheets/schematron.xsl"/>

<map:transform src="stylesheets/skeleton1-5.xsl"/>



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