I'm trying to create a form that gives the authenticated user access to his data in the database.
I'm using the sunRise authentication in a CVS build form 14 May 2002 with tomcat 4.0.1 and jDK 1.3.1_2 on win2K.

A pipeline aggregates all the necessary data to present the page. One part of this aggregation is a call to a pipeline that generates the xhtm form containing the user data.

When I call the pipeline that generates the xhtml form directly I get the correct content. When I call the full page, I get a nullpointer error on the above pipeline.
very strange. Commenting out the form pipeline gives me the page without errors, but with no actual content. When I replace the call to the pipeline with a call to a file I created by saving the output from calling the form creation pipeline directly, I get a correct full page.

The pipeline that generates the user data xhtml form uses the xsp-session:getxml tag (the latest version) to get the user ID from the session context. Replacing this tag with the ID itself gives me a correct page. So my guess is that the error is somehow related to that tag.

Here's some data:
the pipelines:

<map:match pattern="members/memberdata.xml">
<map:generate type="serverpages" src="system/members/getmemberdata.xsp"/>
<map:transform src="test/memberpresentation.xsl"/>
<map:serialize type="xml"/>

<map:match pattern="members/memberdata.html">
<map:aggregate element="fullpage">
<map:part src="cocoon:/members/top-memberdata"/>
<map:part src="cocoon:/members/menu-memberdata.xml"/>
<map:part src="cocoon:/loginform"/>
<map:part src="cocoon:/members/memberdata.xml"/>
<map:transform src="stylesheets/members/fullpage.xsl"/>
<map:serialize type="html"/>

The part from the xsp page that generates the user data:

<esql:query>SELECT * FROM members WHERE ID=<esql:parameter type="int"><xsp:expr>Integer.parseInt(<xsp-session:getxml context="authentication" path="/authentication/ID" as="string"/>)</xsp:expr></esql:parameter></esql:query>

I'm almost banging my head on the wall with frustration. What is the difference between calling a pipeline directly and calling the pipeline from the sitemap that can cause a nullpointer error???

The logs show nothing useful. I've been going through them for about an hour now.

Please help me, I'm on a deadline and really need this functionality;


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