On 03.Nov.2002 -- 12:03 PM, Phil Craven wrote:
> because that is going the wrong way, I don't want one level up, I want one 
> level down.  Also I would be just as happy getting the values out of the 
> request attributes (in the xsl), but I cannot seem to figure out how to do 
> so.  If anyone has any help on either getting at those values in xsl I would 
> greatly appreciate the help.
> phil
> On Saturday 02 November 2002 10:48 am, Christian Haul wrote:
> > On 02.Nov.2002 -- 07:22 AM, Phil Craven wrote:
> > > When I try and get the bulk of the params that I am looking for, it seems
> > > as if they are lost between level 3 and level 2.  I believe that my
> > > stylesheet is trying to access the params at level 2.  How do I force the
> > > propagation of the values from level 3 to level 2?  Any help greatly
> > > appreciated.
> > >
> > > Here is the relevant section of the sitemap log:
> > > LEVEL 3
> > > PARAM: 'content_item_id[0]' VALUE: 'gold building image'
> > >
> > > LEVEL 2
> > > PARAM: '../context' VALUE: '/cocoon'
> > >
> > > LEVEL 1
> > > PARAM: '../../1' VALUE: 'group2'
> >
> > Why don't you use "{../context}" ?

Phil, when you are at level 2, level 3 does not exist yet. Therefore
you can only move up. Perhaps you can illustrate with a sitemap
snippet what you are trying to achieve, maybe it would be clearer.

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