
Put this in your main sitemap, right under <map:components>

        <map:selector name="host" logger="sitemap.selector.host" 
                <host name="somesitename1" value="www.some-site.com"/>
                <host name="somesitename2" value="www.sine-site-2.com"/>

And put this in the pipeline:

<map:select type="host">
        <map:when test="somesitename1">
                <map:mount src="file://somesite1/sitemap.xmap" check-reload="yes"/>
        <map:when test="somesitename2">
                <map:mount src="file://somesite2/sitemap.xmap" check-reload="yes"/>

Now, create 2 different sitemaps for the 2 domains (somesite1, somesite2).

Good luck!


Arjé Cahn

Content Management Department
Hippo Webworks
Grasweg 35
1031 HW Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Tel  +31 (0)20 6345173 
Fax +31 (0)20 6345179
arje(at)hippo(dot)nl / www.hippo.nl

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