
i played a little bit around and fihured out, that
i can get running two servlets at the same time.
With the following configuration:


BUT request seem only to get to the servlet then there
arn't any subdirs in requets path: For example

http://localost/mywebapp/demos  -> goes to cocoon
http://localost/mywebapp/demos/subdir/indexs.html  -> goes NOT to cocoon

Anyone have any idea why this is so?



has onyone expierence with running two servlets
within one webapp. For example having the
cocoon servlet maped to / and another servlet
to /directory. I know this is configured in
the web.xml file in WEB-INF directory. But
i can only one of them at the time working, not

Actually this should work. For Wyona we have the Cocoon Servlet
and a Scheduler Servlet running without any problem.

What if you don't do any mapping?

And call your servlet directly, e.g.




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