You probably meant to use:

 <xf:repeat nodeset="/productNode/product/description">
  <xf:textbox ref="@lang">
   <xf:caption>Language (code):</xf:caption>
   <xf:violations class="error"/>
  <xf:textbox ref=".">
   <xf:violations class="error"/>

I would also recommend that you use the standard xml:lang attribute instead
of a non-qualified one.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Josema Alonso" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Cocoon-Users" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, November 09, 2002 12:40 PM
Subject: XMLForm - xf:repeat tag on DOM Nodes?

> Dear all,
> I see in thw wizrd demo how the repeat tag is used like this:
> <xf:repeat nodeset="favorite[position() &lt;= 3]" id="favorites">
>  <xf:textbox ref="." class="info">
>   <xf:caption>URL: </xf:caption>
>  </xf:textbox>
> </xf:repeat>
> In the model bean the favorite is implemented as an array list, so you can
> iterate through it using the position function and specifying how many
> to display.
> Well, now I got a part of my model implmented as a DOM Node. It seems it'w
> working right but I can't make the repeat tag to work with it. Let's say I
> have something like this:
> <product>
>     <description lang="en">nice table</description>
>     <description lang="es">mesa bonita</description>
> </product>
> I want to display as many textboxes as descriptions, ok? I have tried
> but unfortunately it is not working. :
> <xf:repeat nodeset="/productNode/product">
>  <xf:textbox ref="description/@lang">
>   <xf:caption>Language (code):</xf:caption>
>   <xf:violations class="error"/>
>  </xf:textbox>
>  <xf:textbox ref="description">
>   <xf:caption>Description:</xf:caption>
>   <xf:violations class="error"/>
>  </xf:textbox>
> </xf:repeat>
> If I try to access just one description node outside the repeat tag, I get
> the info correctly. Any ideas?
> Thanks.
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