 I am using  xml datbase SocratesXML 1.3 which has support for XML:DB API.
 I am trying to integrate it with cocoon2.
I have cofigured following things
for cocoon.xconf
  <source-handler logger="core.source-handler">
    <!-- xmldb pseudo protocol -->
    <protocol class="org.apache.cocoon.components.source.XMLDBSourceFactory" name="xmldb">
      <!-- Add here other XML:DB compliant databases drivers -->
      <!-- SocratesXML XMLDB Driver -->
      <driver class="ordbxml.xmldb.DatabaseImpl" type="socratesxml"/>
and  sitemap.xmap
    <!-- ======================= XML:DB ============================== -->
 <map:match pattern="demodb/**">
  <map:generate src="xmldb:socratesxml:///demodb/Mytown University/Student applications/{1}"/>
 <!--  <map:transform src="maps-sheets/applicationxsl.xsl"/> --> <!-- Statement 1-->
  <map:serialize type="xml"/>
I have database setup with XMLResource Chani at collection Mytown University/Student applications/
Note Statement i is being commented. When request  for url http://localhost:8080/cocoon/demodb/Chani it completely displays
Chani XML on browser. But by being statement 1 uncommented it throws attched exception.
What could be the reason? I think in first case it looks for transformer . If it is not there it calls getContent or else getContentAsSAX.
Is there any Idia. Is it possible to use cutomer code to generate XML enevts for XML:DB pseudo protocol. If yes any idea to how go about it?
With Thanks and Regards,
B. Subrahmanya Nayak
Member Technical Staff,
HCL Technologies Ltd.,


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