Murray Cumming wrote:
On Tue, 2002-11-12 at 05:17, Geoff Howard wrote:
Yes, that was the specific error that people were
getting when the older jars distributed with the jdk
were not properly overridden.

So do you see anything wrong in those installation notes?
Clearly copying the jars has had some effect.

Murray For what its worth I finally pitched the rpms in favor of the Sun JWSDP package. I could not get soap running for the same  dreaded error., and spent a week chasing xerces, endorsed libs, etc etc. Within five minutes of downloading jwsdp_1_0_01 I had a tomcat system running with soap then cocoon.  I had installed both on NT side with tomcat 4 no problem. So There is something IMHO in the rpms . Although all my other apps worked fine.

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