On 13.Nov.2002 -- 12:49 PM, Cedric Picard wrote:
>        <map:match pattern="*.html">
>          <map:act type="ensureLoggedIn">
>            <map:generate type="serverpages" src="documents/{1}.xsp" />
>            <map:transform src="stylesheets/{1}.xsl" />
>            <map:serialize type="html" />
>          </map:act>
>        </map:match>

> I can only assume the addition of the login validation caused the
> problem, as the page was generated successfully prior to the addition of
> the action, but cannot see what is going wrong,

If you had looked at your sitemap.log you would have seen


Current Sitemap Parameters:
PARAM: '0' VALUE: 'CMUsers.html'
PARAM: '1' VALUE: 'CMUsers'


Current Sitemap Parameters:

PARAM: '../0' VALUE: 'CMUsers.html'
PARAM: '../1' VALUE: 'CMUsers'


By nesting your generate inside an action, you add another level of
sitemap parameters. Obviously, you need to go one level up...

> Is there any way of debugging actions?

You could attach a debugger.

You could issue debug statements. See other actions on how to do it.

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