Hi, all.

I tried the XMLForm wizard demo where I see some select boxes created for
processor, ram, servlet engine and java version elements in ths system
information page.

I see the values for those are hard coded in 'system.xml' and I want to
create a select box from a DOM Node. I got the following:
 <EquipmentType id="player">
  <Description>Description of the player type</Description>
 <EquipmentType id="recorder">
  <Description>Description of the recorder type</Description>

I would like to create a select box (one of the dropdown type) and have:
1.- value of every option element as the EquipmentType/@id
2.- text displayed of every option as the EquipmentType/Description

I've tried with a xf:repeat with no luck. I also tried with just one element
but no luck either. I guess is something with the stylesheet. The
'xmlform2html.xsl' doesn't seem to check 'ref' attributes on option
elements. I guess the solution will be the customization of that stylesheet
to my needs...am I right?


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