Hello, thank you for your attention. Im not a genious but i develop with
php,asp and mysql/postgre for more than 2 years now ... thant's almost
nothing compared to most people but it's something. i learned pretty fast.
now im interested in cocoon and xml for the obvious reasons. i read lot's of
documentations, including cocoon docs, cocooncenter.de tuts and IBM
developers stuff also. still didnt get it :( perhaps im really an idiot :D
there's a lot to explere here ... and the time is short :( ... even
scrubbing the sample app's i didnt get one of mine to work yet :(

im in your webpage


-----Mensagem original-----
De: Jeremy Aston [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Enviada: quarta-feira, 20 de Novembro de 2002 18:24
Assunto: Re: newbie

Hi José,

The simplest way to get a basic app up and running is
by putting it under mount.

As for simple examples...  Without wanting to sound
like I am fobbing you off (;-)) there is plenty of
stuff in the documentation and sample apps (e.g. the
Hello World stuff) that demonstrates basic principles.
 You can also still access my idiots guide stuff at
http://www.pigbite.co.uk/ctwig/index.htm, which does
have some basic examples.  This was in the main docs
but needs some rework so is not there at the mo.

Let me know how you get on and if you need any more

Best regards


 --- José_Moreira <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: >
hello i read lots of cocoon docs but still didnt
> understand how coccoon
> works ...
> how to mount a cocoon webapp ? under cocoon/mount or
> cocoon web.xml ??
> how can i create a simple cocoon webapp that reads
> xml from /docs and parses
> it to html ?
> arrghh so many doubts and so little time :(

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