If you read up some more on Cocoon Actions in general, you will have
no problem understanding where the {page} comes from.

Look how the WizardAction uses the page() method.
Then read this:

----- Original Message -----
From: "aps olute" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, November 29, 2002 1:13 PM
Subject: XMLForm - How to - question

> I can not get the XMLForm Wizard How To  to work, so I tried to follow
> the sample working and have some question.
> 1. In the cocoon/samples/xmlform/sitemap.xmap how does the mapping from
> <map:match pattern="wizard.html">
>   <map:act type="WizardAction">
>    ...
>    ...
>    <map:generate src="wizard/{page}.xml"/>    <----  this part I did not
> understand.  A directory of wizard/ is there for it to work, so for the
> howto-wizard.html a corresponding howto-wizard.html/  directory must be
> created? But it seems not right as the descriptor file says <map:generate
> src="howto/{page}.xml"/>  VERY CONFUSING. Please help. I have it like
> cocoon/samples/xmlform/howto/start.xml  thinking it would point here and
> error keeps popping it cannot find the
> cocoon/samples/xmlform/howto/howto-wizard.html resource can not be found.
> 2. Furthermore, the {page} what is this? where does the matcher find this
> "page"? I suspect from looking at the WizardAction.java the prepare()
> returns page(VIEW_staticonstant), are this the same "page" ?
> 3. What was done to make this "page" available to the matcher? Available
in all
> the scope? ie, page, session, application or in particular scope only?
Also if
> I have a "generic type class" a servlet returns like the "page" how to
> this available to the matcher?
> 4.Looking around for same HOW-TO sample, they seem to import additional
> for example on this page,
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