Title: Message
Hi GD,
here's how I deployed Cocoon in JBoss 2.4.6:
- copy the following jars to jboss\lib\ext:
  • avalon-excalibur,
  • avalon-framework,
  • batik-all-1.5b2.jar,
  • cocoon-2.0.3.jar,
  • logkit.jar,
  • resolver.jar,
  • velocity-1.2.jar,
- deploy cocoon.war to jboss\deploy
I didn't replace crimson.jar, jaxp.jar, xml-apis.jar, xercesImpl.jar, or xalan.jar.
Also, what you are deploying is a war file, should you not start jboss with the catalina configuration?
In 2.4.6, I start with run_with_catalina in order for tomcat to also start.
Hope that helps,
Good luck,
-----Original Message-----
From: Hong Gia Dinh [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 02 December 2002 09:21
Subject: Cocoon deploy in JBoss 3.0.4

Hi all,
I am getting crazy with the deploying Cocoon in JBoss 3.0.4 now.
i cant find any documents related for JBOss 3.0.4 so i tried :
1. remove from JBOSS/lib :
    - crimson.jar
    - jaxp.jar
2. copy in the JBOSS/lib :
    - xml-apis.jar
    - xercesImpl-2.0.0.jar
    - batik-all-1.5b1.jar
3. copy in JBOSS/server/default/lib :
    - xalan-2.3.1.jar
4. copy in JBOSS/server/default/deploy :
   - avalon-framework-4.1.2.jar
   - avalon-excalibur-4.1.jar
   - logkit-1.0.1.jar
   - cocoon.jar
   - cocoon.war
5. update  the claspath in JBOSS/bin/run.sh :


and when i tried to call http://localhost:8080/cocoon
i got :
cocoon was not initialized. cannot access request
and when itried to remove from cocoon/lib :
- xml-apis.jar
- xercesImpl-2.0.0.jar
- xalan-2.3.1.jar
and update in web.xml of cocoon :




i also got error above.
can you all help me?
thnks alot iin advance


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