On Mon, 2002-12-02 at 17:25, Vermeulen, Francis wrote:
> Hi folks,
> we are trying to invoke an application framework from within Cocoon by means
> of a custom transformer. This framework itself uses Avalon/Excalibur
> components through a separate component and role manager, instantiated from
> within the framework. The framework is developed using the version 4.1.2 of
> Avalon and 4.1 of Excalibur and works fine in "stand-alone"mode when invoked
> from our own servlet. However when invoked from the custom transformer in
> Cocoon version 2.0.3, the Avalon/Excalibur part doesn't work because we are
> then using the version supplied with Cocoon as libraries.

What exactly do you mean with "doesn't work"? Do you get any exceptions
or just strange behaviour?

>  So to me it looks
> as if Cocoon comes bundled with its own version of Avalon/Excalibur that is
> not compatible with the latest release of these. 

Wouldn't it help to simply recompile your own framework against the
avalon libraries that ship with cocoon?

Bruno Dumon                             http://outerthought.org/
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