I am working on a news site, where every author can assign own xsl
stylesheet to their article. I want to bring cocoon dynamically insert an
article's path into the transformer src attribute.

I thought of generating an parameter inside the xsp for the following
components an later catch it by the transformer. (How) can I do this?

            <map:match pattern="**article_*.html">
                <map:act type="url-extract">^

                    <!-- Inside the generate the path info is extracted from
db -->
                    <map:generate src="logicsheets/get-articledata.xsp"
                        <map:parameter name="article-id" value="{../2}"/>

                <map:transform src="transform/style-frame.xsl" type="xslt"/>

                <!-- here I want to access the path info -->
                <map:transform src="transform/{dynamic-path}" type="xslt"/>

                <map:transform src="transform/style-footer.xsl"
                <map:serialize type="html"/>

Thanks a lot!


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