My xml file:

<?xml version="1.0"?>



  <execute-query xmlns="";> 
        select rpb_id, rpb_id from hia_rp_bml


In sitemap.xmap:

   <map:match pattern="hub/sql/*">
    <map:generate src="hub/sql/{1}.xml"/>
    <map:transform type="sql">
      <map:parameter name="use-connection" value="hub_annuaire"/> 
    <!-- <map:transform src="stylesheets/simple-sql2html.xsl"/>  -->

In cocoon.xconf:

<jdbc logger="core.datasources.hub_annuaire" name="hub_annuaire">
      <pool-controller min="1" max="2" oradb="true"/>

In web.xml:

        <!-- For IBM WebSphere: -->

        <!-- For Database Driver: -->
        <!-- For parent ComponentManager sample:

And result with sqlplus:

SQL> select rpb_id, rpb_id from hia_rp_bml;

RPB_ID                         RPB_ID
------------------------------ ------------------------------
 00427                          00427


____________________Séparateur de messages____________________
Objet : Re: Réf:RE: Problem SQLTransformer
Date :  05/12/2002 14:10

"Rano, Didier" a écrit :
> I verified, and values in column rpb_id are not null.
> Columns names are the same, because it is a test with SQL: "select rpb_id,
> rpb_id from hia_rp_bml". But with SQL: "select rpb_id from hia_rp_bml" the
> result has the same problem.
> Thank you for your help
> Didier Rano
> Serv'N Data

Spo what's a strange problem !

Cann you tell us more about it (what is your XML File ...)

Did you try your SQL syntax without Cocoon ?, and what are the results


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