Apache Cocoon 2.0.4 Released

   The Apache Cocoon team is proud to announce the new release
   of Apache Cocoon.

    Apache Cocoon is an XML framework that raises the usage of
    XML and XSLT technologies for server applications to a new level.
    Designed for performance and scalability around pipelined SAX
    processing, Cocoon offers a flexible environment based on the
    separation of concerns between content, logic and style.
    A centralized configuration system and sophisticated caching
    top this all off and help you to create, deploy and maintain
    rock-solid XML server applications.

    Today, most web engineers consider XML as the key for an improved
    web model and web site managers see XML as a way to reduce costs
    and ease production. In an era where services rather than software
    will be key for economic success, a better and less expensive model
    for web publishing will be a winner, especially one based on open

    This release of Cocoon is a maintainance release focusing on
    improved performance and robustness. In addition some bugs were
    fixed and new features were added. See the following changes list
    for more information.

For more information about Apache Cocoon 2.0.4, please go to

Changes with Apache Cocoon 2.0.4

*) The HTMLGenerator now accepts a JTidy configuration file for fine-grained
control on the generated document. [SW]

*) New Logicsheet for use with InputModules. [CH]

*) xsp.xsl now includes all xsp:init-page tags. Additional xsp:exit-page tag
for cleanup operations. [CH]

*) New InputModule to map parameter names to / from another name. Uses
translation table and additional prefix / suffix. [CH]

*) Fixed SimpleFormTransformer: Malformed XML with textarea elements.  [CH]

*) Allow to set the i18n transformer's locale from the sitemap as a
parameter (ported from 2.1-dev). The old behavior, based on LocaleAction is
preserved only for 2.0.x versions and will be removed from the further
releases (2.1 and higher). [KP]

*) New build target "validate-config" to conduct build-time validation of
some core important configuration files using RELAX NG (call it manually
with: ./build.sh validate-config). Currently doing: all sitemap.xmap, all
cocoon.roles, all *.xsl stylesheets, all book.xml files. [DC]

*) Extend the syntax of sitemap variable substitution : variables can have a
prefix which indicates an InputModule where to get the value from. For
example, the expression "{request-param:foo}" will evaluate to the value of
the "foo" request parameter (provided of course that the "request-param"
InputModule is correctly defined in cocoon.xconf). [SW]

*) RequestLifecycleComponents were not handled properly when the cocoon:
protocol is used [CZ]

*) Changed SimpleFormTransformer to use InputModules. [CH]

*) Changed InputModules to return Iterator instead of Enumeration. New
abstract "meta" module to make new meta modules easier. Stripped "meta" from
defaults module. Added JXPathMetaModule. Added extension classes and
packages to all modules that are based on JXPath. [CH]

*) Improved support for CLOB and BLOB columns in modular database actions.

*) New chaining InputModule that allows to use additional modules when an
attribute is not present or null. [CH]

*) Changed defaults of InputModule names in many places to new names. [CH]

*) Fixing namespace handling of SQLTransformer. [CZ]

*) New ZipArchiveSerializer to build zip files aggregating various sources
as archive entries. Can be used to generate zip files, sxw files
(OpenOffice), jar files, etc. [SW]

*) TraxTransformer does not have use-deli parameter anymore. If deli is
configured in the cocoon.xconf, it always will be used. [VG]

*) CocoonServlet upload behavior now configurable from the web.xml.
Configuration parameters are: autosave-uploads, overwrite-uploads,
upload-max-size. See web.xml for description. [VG]

*) Remove the static factory variable in RequestFactory, and instead pass it
to the HttpRequest via the environment. [VG]

*) ReadDOMSessionTransformer now can work with any types of object (same
mechanism as in <xsp:expr> now used). Configuration parameter dom-name
renamed to attribute-name. [VG]

*) Src attribute can be used now with SessionAttributeGenerator to specify
session attribute name. Old syntax preserved. [VG]

*) Local parameters in SessionStateAction still do override global
parameters, but do NOT change global parameters. [VG]

*) Src attribute can be used now with ResourceExistsAction. Old parameter
syntax preserved. [VG]

*) Fixed prefix mapping for the sql transformer. [CZ]

*) FOP user configuration can now be specified as URL or relative path as
the value of the <user-config> element. [VG]

*) Load default FOP configuration only once, do not overwrite any user
configuration. [VG]

*) Remove unnessesary code in SVGBuilder. This also fixes intermittent
ClassCastExceptions in Batik code. [VG]

*) Fix issue with cross-platform uploads. Uploaded file's name converted to
match destination platform's path separator. [VG]

*) Absolute path now can be specified for work, cache, and upload directory.
Read comments in web.xml, and verify your settings. [VG]

*) Set URI resolver for XSLT handler every time time templates are used,
because XSLT templates might reference disposed instance of XSLT processor.
Fixes some NPEs in XSLT processor when templates cache is used. [VG]

*) Fix sitemap reloading bug: When parent sitemap is modified, it is
recompiled and reloaded. All sub-sitemaps of this sitemap also has to be
reloaded because they have references to the parent sitemap's
ComponentSelectors. This bug is the cause of some NPEs in the XSLT
processor. [VG]

*) Improve backward compatibility: FilePartFile needs toString() method to
work with code written for Cocoon 2.0. [VG]

*) AbstractServerPages used static fields for dependency tracking, which
caused either non-modified XSPs to be recompiled, or modified XSPs not to be
recompiled. [SW]

*) SearchGenerator now includes <field name=""/> elements into <hit/>
element. These elements contain stored fields of a found Document, making it
possible to provide additional info about document in the search result list
(only when index created with some stored fields). [VG]

*) In addition to attributes in same namespace with elements, link
serializer reacts on non-namespaced attributes too. This allows processing
of (strict) XHTML. [VG]

*) Backport usage of InputModules to compiled sitemap. [CH]

*) Sync modules and related components with HEAD. [CH]

*) Added some more types understood by modular database actions. [CH]

*) Request logicsheet: Fix session tags. [CH]

*) Added some more InputModules. [CH]

*) Changed existing OutputModules to not use ":" to separate key prefix from
suffix if prefix is an empty string. [CH]

*) Simple Formvalidation: FormValidatorAction sets attribute "*" to indicate
overall validation status. Added SimpleFormTransformer that fills XHTML form
fields with values from request parameters and allows conditional error tags
depending on validation result. This removes the requirement for XSP.
Changed ordering of error levels: "notpresent" (indicates that no validation
result is present for this parameter) moves between "ok" and "error". New
error level "maxerror" used in conjunction with the transformer, is never
set, used as upper bound. [CH]

*) (Modular) DatabaseActions: select produced wrong result if no rows were
found, query action returned broken result. [CH]

*) ESQL: Allow arbitrary types for prepared and callable statements via
dynamically loading classes like the SQLTransformer does. Is-null now uses
dynamic colum specification. Fixed skip-row feature, which was off by one.
Added tag to get connection meta data. [CH]

*) Fixed NPE in the recycling phase of content aggregation. [CZ]

*) Fixed bug in cocoon pseudo protocol involving aggregation of aggregated
resources spanning several sitemaps. [VG]

*) Conect to the XML:DB once, from the XMLDBSourceFactory. [VG]

*) <xsp-util:include-expr/> includes any object, converting it to string.

*) XSP now verifies that value of attribute name on xsp:element does not
contains ':'. To create namespaced elements, uri and prefix attributes must
be used. [VG]

*) Request, response, and session logicsheet were incorrectly returning
result when as="xml" is specified. [VG]

*) XScript now has better variable management: variables of request,
session, global, and page scope are stored not in the XScriptManager, but as
request, session, context attributes, or as XSP page field (respectively).
Chances of memory leaks are highly reduced. [VG]

*) Include all warnings and errors reported by the XSLT engine into the
TransformerException if transformation fails or terminated by the
stylesheet. [VG]

*) Update HSQLDB to version 1.7.0. Now it properly shuts down with Cocoon.

*) All log messages from FOP now go into the logs instead of printing them
to the screen. [CZ]

*) Applied patch for MaybeUploadRequestFactoryImpl which sets the timeout
for a session to infinite during an upload and restores it afterwards. [CZ]

The Cocoon Team
Carsten Ziegeler
Open Source Group, S&N AG

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