> I am having a problem while trying to access the sample hello.wml sample =
> page of Cocoon (I am running Apache Tomcat with Cocoon 2.0.3 on a =
> Windows 2000 system) with a mobile phone.
> The WAP browser waits a few seconds and then answers:
> 500: Web service problem:
> Please contact service provider.
> If I then select "Details", I read:
> 1500: Could not connect to site.
> I have tried with a number of WAP emulators and it works perfectly; it =
> also works if I save the WML page and let the webserver serve it =
> directly
> (I also tried using different telecom providers with no success).

> Anyone has any ideas of the reason why this behaviour can happen?

> PARAM: 'user-agent' VALUES: '[SIE-ME45/23 UP.Browser/ (GUI) UP.Link/]'

The problem that you are having is because the UP.Browser does not like the 
DOCTYPE prologue
in the page that is being generated/sent.

You can make a quick fix by making your pipeline use <map:serialize 
instead of <map:serialize type="wml"/>  for wap user agents.

In production, we use a more general solution of introducing a new browser 
agent in the sitemap
selectors section:

   <browser name="wapx" useragent="UP"/>    <!-- broken WML browser, does not 
like the DOCTYPE prologue -->

and then testing for a wapx browser in the pipeline:

            <map:select type="browser">
                 <map:when test="wap">
                     <map:transform src="stylesheets/{level}_wml.xsl" />
                     <map:serialize type="wml"/>
                 <map:when test="wapx">
                     <map:transform src="stylesheets/{level}_wml.xsl" />
                     <map:serialize type="html"/>
                     <map:transform src="stylesheets/{level}_html.xsl" />
                     <map:serialize type="html"/>

this gives us the ability to handle proper WML browsers as well as the broken 


 Dr. Everett (Skip) Carter      Phone: 831-641-0645 FAX:  831-641-0647
 Taygeta Scientific Inc.        INTERNET: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 1340 Munras Ave., Suite 314    WWW: http://www.taygeta.com
 Monterey, CA. 93940            

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