
after cocoon-2.0.4 upgrade the following check inside my self-implemented 
UploadGenerator (transfers an uploaded multipart file to a backend server, receives an 
XML response from the backend server and transforms it into HTML) does not become true 
any more: 
if (request.get(parameterNames[i]) instanceof FilePartFile) { ...

Have there been made any changes in cocoon-2.0.4 in this context?

Mit freundlichen Grüßen/ Best regards
Elmar Sternath

Siemens AG
Information and Communication Networks
ICN IT CA EB 2 - Web Applications
Mch H/Me19 - 99801-231a

Meglinger Straße 19 (99801-231a) D-84577 München
Tel.:   +49(89)722-24045
Mobil: +49(0)160-5860351
Fax.:  +49(89)722-53384

 <<Sternath Elmar.vcf>> 

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