
I'm working on a project that will generate OpenOffice.org document from
data extracted from a database. Our aim is to automatise the publishing of
the program of hikes for my hikers association. It is actually done with a
Microsoft Word document merge and it is not satisfying. PDF is not an option
as publishers have to do additionnal editing after the automatic step.
The output document will be many pages long, so we want to process in batch
instead of as a web application.

As OpenOffice.org document format is XML, I would like to reuse the Cocoon
pipeline with an ESQL transformer from a simple Java application.

My question are :
- is it possible ? I mean, is it possible to reuse just the pipeline in a
standard Java application, without the sitemap and servlet stuff, without
too much code or too many dependencies. The pipeline would be either
hard-coded or specified with a simpler sitemap-like configuration file.
- how ? The package org.apache.cocoon.components.pipeline seems interesting,
but I don't know which class to use and how to build a simple pipeline with
a generator, a transformer and serialiser. Then, how to feed the pipeline ?

Could you point me to the important classes, and the order to create them ?

Thank you for your help,

Olivier Mengué

Please check that your question  has not already been answered in the
FAQ before posting.     <http://xml.apache.org/cocoon/faq/index.html>

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