Yes, you can use WebProxyGenerator with any url, but yes it needs to return

If you need to retrieve arbitrary html content it would be safer to use
HTMLGenerator, which can retrieve remote sources via http, and runs the
input through Tidy before sending the sax events through the pipeline,
guaranteeing [?] that you get wellformed xml.

There is an example this in the samples that ship with cocoon,
coincidentally using yahoo as an example.  If the sample is broken, there is
a good chance that a recent yahoo site redesign has broken the xpath used in
the example, as has happened in the past.

Hope that helps,
Geoff Howard

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Sushil Bhattarai [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, December 24, 2002 10:39 AM
> Subject: wsproxy generator
> Hello
> Does wsproxy generator work only with xform or does it work for
> any url. If
> it works for any url, does that url need to return xml output? If
> it doesn't
> how to get around it?
> I'm trying to call a url which basically returns html. But I want to
> serialize this as xml and put it in my pipeline so that I can
> manipulate the
> xml and extract whatever I want to. Is this possible using
> wsproxy or am I
> in the wrong direction. Can I do this to get yahoo page as xml
> <map:match pattern="yahoo">
>        <map:generate type="wsproxy" src=""/>
>           <map:serialize type="xml"/>
>         </map:match>
> Thanks
> Sushil
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