Hi all.
I am using RequestParameterAction to process parameters given in http request.
My http request looks something like this:
here is my pipeline:
<map:match pattern="test">
    <map:act type="request">
        <map:parameter name="parameters" value="true"/>
        <map:generate src=""/>
        <map:transform src="">
            <map:parameter name="e-mail" value="{e-mail}"/>
        <map:serialize type="xml"/>
This way I pass the e-mail parameter to the stylesheet.
Now here is my question:
Can I preprocess the request parameter before passing it further?
E.g. in this case can I pass to the xsl instead of the whole e-mail parameter
something like: {substring-before('@',e-mail)} to pass only the username to xsl?
I know that in this case I don't really need it, because I can do this inside the xsl, but
I just give this as an example.
What I will realy need is for example to call another pipeline through the cocoon:// protocol
with part of the given request parameter that I want to extract.
Is it possible to do? Can somebody explain this to me?
Thank you very much for help.

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