If you are using XSP, then you can get the current path with:

Or the current path with a filename on the end with:


>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 01/01/03 01:57PM >>>
>Reinhard Poetz wrote:
>> Hi Alexander,
>> Try to use relative paths in your src attributes (your base directory is
>> always the current sitemap) - this should solve your resource not found
>> problems.
>> Regards,
>> Reinhard
>Isn't there any way to get absolute paths? I wanted to keep all the 
>needed images in a special directory that I redirect all image-calls to 
>via the sitemap, but I don't understand how that would work. And even if 
>I had to use relative paths, what file are they relative to (XML, XSLT, 
>sitemap, ...)? Is there any way to find out where Cocoon actually tries 
>to read the files from? I browsed through the log-files, but I can only 
>find information on the URL the browser requested, but not the files 
>actually read by Cocoon.
>Thanks for your help,

Please check that your question  has not already been answered in the
FAQ before posting.     <http://xml.apache.org/cocoon/faq/index.html>

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