Title: validation declaration

Hi all,

In validation, we often has constraint declarations such as :

        <parameter name="persons" type="long" min="2" default="9" nullable="yes"/>
        <parameter name="deposit" type="double" min="10.0" max="999.99"/>
        <parameter name="email" type="string" max-len="50" matches-regex="^[\d\w][\d\w\-_\.]*@([\d\w\-_]+\.)\w\w\w?$"/>

If i want to declare a param must have the value equaling another params
such as
        <parameter name="confirm_password" type="string" ..??>
must equal the param
        <parameter name="password" type="string" ..??>

how can i declare????

and where can i find the related documents about this??
Thanks a lot

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