On 07.Jan.2003 -- 03:46 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hello
> I have a cocoon version number 2.0.3, a tomcat version number 4.0.16 and an
> Oracle 8i database

Cocoon 2.0.4 is released and fixes a number of bugs and Tomcat 4.1.18
is out containing security related fixes.

> I have a store procedure in my database called sp_add_user.
> I tested the store procedure manually and it doesn't have any problem.  It
> has 3 parameters.  
> The first and the second are IN parameters, and must be String.  The third
> is an OUT parameter and must 
> be integer.
> The source of this page is

>           <esql:call>{call sp_add_user(<esql:parameter direction="in"
> type="String"><xsp-request:get-parameter name="username"/></esql:parameter>,
>             <esql:parameter direction="in"
> type="String"><xsp:expr>password</xsp:expr></esql:parameter>,
>             <esql:parameter direction="out" type="Int"></esql:parameter>)}
>           </esql:call>

Now, since your SP apparently does not return a result set, you need to use 


instead. This is executed regardless of a result set. Without a result
set, there are no row-results. So...

>                 <xsp:logic>
>                     if(<xsp:expr><esql:get-int column="1"/></xsp:expr> ==
> -1) {

And since your SP does not return a result set, you need to add the
attribute 'from-call="yes"' to the <esql:get-int/> tag.

>                        <xsp:content>Sorry, user is ready
> registered</xsp:content>
>                     } else {
>                        <xsp:content>User added with key: <esql:get-int
> column="1"/>.</xsp:content>


>                     }
>                 </xsp:logic>


>           <esql:error-results> 
>             <para>the following error occured: <esql:get-message/></para>
>           </esql:error-results>  

This does not work here:

>           <esql:no-results> 
>             <para>problem with database</para>
>           </esql:no-results>      

>         </esql:execute-query>
>       </esql:connection>
> .
> .
> .
> </xsp:page>

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