> First off, I'm a fully fledged newbie when it comes to cocoon, so at this
> stage I'm looking for pointers rather than absolute answers - although that
> would be nice ;-)
> I've used Cocoon to translate some xml documents to wml format using the
> bog-standard wml converter that the "Hello, World" samples use and it works
> without any problems when viewing them using a desktop browser.
> The problem that I have to solve is concerned with using wml with mobile
> devices. These devices often have small amounts of memory, and a limited
> file size that they can accept (eg the Nokia 7110 has a maximum file size of
> 1397 bytes.)
> What would be the best strategy to adopt to split the xml or wml file into a
> suitable size (NB the split file must, of course be valid xml.) How have
> other people dealt with this problem?

        I have handled this by by using statements in a style sheet that extracts out
   one subsection of a single XML file before transforming it to WML.  So, the 
sitemap looks

      <map:match pattern="browser/features.xml">
            <map:generate src="xml/browser/modules.xml"/>
            <map:transform src="stylesheets/onesection.xsl" >      <!-- this 
style sheet extracts out -->
                <map:parameter name="where" value="Features"/>     <!-- the 
section named 'Features' only -->
            <map:call resource="xml-page">                          <!-- the 
primary stylesheets for conversion to -->
               <map:parameter name="level" value="back" />          <!-- WML 
or HTML depending upon the browser -->

      <map:match pattern="browser/info.xml">
            <map:generate src="xml/browser/modules.xml"/>
            <map:transform src="stylesheets/onesection.xsl" >
                <map:parameter name="where" value="Modules Info"/>  <!-- this 
one extracts 'Modules Info' -->
            <map:call resource="xml-page">
               <map:parameter name="level" value="back" />

   The XML file, (modules.xml) has the structure,

  <section><id>Modules Info</id>

   ... etc..

  Then we just arrange it so that an HTML browser will only see links to 
'modules.xml' while a WML
  browser will see links to 'features.xml' and 'info.xml', etc.

 Dr. Everett (Skip) Carter      Phone: 831-641-0645 FAX:  831-641-0647
 Taygeta Scientific Inc.        INTERNET: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 1340 Munras Ave., Suite 314    WWW: http://www.taygeta.com
 Monterey, CA. 93940            

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