Hi Andrew,

I'm not sure, but I guess you have to use the sql namespace
for the substitute-value element as well:
<sql:substitute-value sql:name="contributor_id"/>


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Andrew Savory [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Andrew
> Savory
> Sent: Thursday, January 16, 2003 1:22 PM
> Subject: SQL Transformer substitute-value woes with 2.0.4
> Hi,
> As far as I can tell, using substitute-value with SQL Transformer does not
> work in 2.0.4 (and there aren't any examples of it in the samples,
> something I'll rectify if I ever get the darn thing working!).
> Here's what I've got:
> test.xml:
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
> <page xmlns:sql="http://apache.org/cocoon/SQL/2.0";>
>   <sql:execute-query xmlns:sql="http://apache.org/cocoon/SQL/2.0";>
>     <sql:query>
>       SELECT DISTINCT contributor_id, name FROM foo WHERE
> contributor_id='<substitute-value sql:name="contributor_id"/>'
>     </sql:query>
>   </sql:execute-query>
> </page>
> sitemap.xmap:
> <map:match pattern="contributor/*/list">
>   <map:generate src="test.xml"/>
>   <map:transform type="sql">
>     <map:parameter name="use-connection" value="bar"/>
>     <map:parameter name="contributor_id" value="{1}"/>
>   </map:transform>
>   <map:transform src="stylesheets/simple-xml2html.xsl"/>
>   <map:serialize/>
> </map:match>
> ... but in my sitemap.log, I get:
> DEBUG   (2003-01-16) 12:11.46:611   [sitemap.transformer.sql]
> (/contributor/1/list) Thread-33/AbstractSAXTransformer: END
> endRecording fragment=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
>                         SELECT DISTINCT id, contributor_id, name
> FROM contributor WHERE contributor_id='<substitute-value
> sql:name="contributor_id"/>'
> DEBUG   (2003-01-16) 12:11.46:617   [sitemap.transformer.sql]
> (/contributor/1/list) Thread-33/AbstractSAXTransformer: END
> endSerializedXMLRecording xml=
>                         SELECT DISTINCT id, contributor_id, name
> FROM contributor WHERE contributor_id=''
> DEBUG   (2003-01-16) 12:11.46:618   [sitemap.transformer.sql]
> (/contributor/1/list) Thread-33/SQLTransformer: QUERY IS "
>                         SELECT DISTINCT id, contributor_id, name
> FROM contributor WHERE contributor_id=''
>                 "
> ... as far as I can tell, the substitute value just doesn't work. I've
> tried swapping {1} for 1 in the sitemap, and that doesn't help.
> Any ideas?
> Andrew.
> --
> Andrew Savory                                Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Managing Director                              Tel:  +44 (0)870 741 6658
> Luminas Internet Applications                  Fax:  +44 (0)700 598 1135
> This is not an official statement or order.    Web:    www.luminas.co.uk
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