
try using the log transformer between your transformation step
with the login.xsl and the sql transformer and you will see,
if the correct xml is outputted by your stylesheet.
If this is correct, put the log transformer behind the sql
transformer and you will see what the sql transformer does.

Maybe this gives a clue.


Carsten Ziegeler
Open Source Group, S&N AG

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Wolle [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, January 16, 2003 2:09 PM
> Subject: RE: Cocoon Portal - User Roles
> Hi Guys,
> I tried all this. Maybe somebody can give some completing hints.
> I described all in the file email.txt
> Thank You
> Wolfgang
> *>>
> *Since the the "new role" function in the portal sample is mapped to
> *<new-role uri="cocoon:raw:/sunrise-newrole"/> uri, it is using
> this sitemap
> *snippet right?
> *
> *        <map:match pattern="sunrise*">
> *            <map:generate src="resources/sunrise{1}.xml"/>
> *            <map:transform type="session"/>
> *            <map:transform type="cinclude"/>
> *            <map:transform type="write-source"/>
> *            <map:transform src="styles/portal.xsl"/>
> *            <map:serialize type="xml"/>
> *        </map:match>
> *
> *and the documentations says that
> *
> *The new-role resource creates a new role in the system. It gets the
> *parameters "type" with the value "role" and "role" with the new rolename.
> *
> *Where is the "type" and "role" parameter?
> *and why does it have to serialized in an xml type in the end?
> *<<
> *
> *You need to take a look at the file sunrise-newrole.xml. That
> file contains
> *most of the dirty work. The transformers session, cinclude and
> writesource
> *act on the information contained in there. Because
> sunrise-newrole.xml also
> *flows through the pipeline it is then formatted by the stylesheet and
> *returned to the browser. It is serialized to xml because it is being used
> *inside the portal (in this case).
> *
> *If you wanted to write this to a database you would need to change the
> *sunrise-newrole.xml and use the sqltransformer instead of cinclude and
> *write-source. In all this should take you around 5 minutes or
> less to adapt.
> *:-)
> *
> *So it really is quite simple really.
> *
> *Matthew
> *--
> *Open Source Group       Cocoon { Consulting, Training, Projects }
> *=================================================================
> *Matthew Langham, S&N AG, Klingenderstrasse 5, D-33100 Paderborn
> *Tel:+49-5251-1581-30  [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://www.s-und-n.de
> *-----------------------------------------------------------------
> *Cocoon book:
> *  http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0735712352/needacake-20
> *Weblog:
> *  http://radio.weblogs.com/0103021/
> *=================================================================
> *
> *  -----Original Message-----
> *  From: Richard Reyes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> *  Sent: Tuesday, November 12, 2002 12:53 PM
> *  To: cocoon-users
> *  Subject: RE: Cocoon Portal - User Roles
> *
> *
> *
> *
> *  Hi Matthew / Guys,
> *
> *  Just want to confirm some things....
> *
> *  Since the the "new role" function in the portal sample is mapped to
> *<new-role uri="cocoon:raw:/sunrise-newrole"/> uri, it is using
> this sitemap
> *snippet right?
> *
> *          <map:match pattern="sunrise*">
> *              <map:generate src="resources/sunrise{1}.xml"/>
> *              <map:transform type="session"/>
> *              <map:transform type="cinclude"/>
> *              <map:transform type="write-source"/>
> *              <map:transform src="styles/portal.xsl"/>
> *              <map:serialize type="xml"/>
> *          </map:match>
> *
> *  and the documentations says that
> *
> *  The new-role resource creates a new role in the system. It gets the
> *parameters "type" with the value "role" and "role" with the new rolename.
> *
> *  Where is the "type" and "role" parameter?
> *  and why does it have to serialized in an xml type in the end?
> *
> *  Also, for the sunrise-newrole resource, the only thing this
> pipeline does
> *is save a new role in the xml file ( sunrise-roles.xml )? whose
> responsible
> *for displaying the next page after saving the new role?
> *
> *  And since this sitemap snippet is called inside a map:pipeline internal
> *only clause I think it is being called by the portal generator or action.
> *
> *  If in case I'd used custom actions over this pipeline, How would I know
> *the parameters that
> *  have been passed and are being expected by the caller of this pipeline?
> *
> *  Thanks a lot
> *  Richard
> *    ----- Original Message -----
> *    From: Richard Reyes
> *    To: cocoon-users
> *    Cc: Alex
> *    Sent: Tuesday, November 12, 2002 7:18 PM
> *    Subject: Re: Cocoon Portal - User Roles
> *
> *
> *    Hi Matthew,
> *
> *    Thanks for the reminder!
> *
> *    ========================================================
> *    Hi,
> *
> *    each function of the portal is mapped to a pipeline. So in order to
> *change the storage - all you have to do is to modify the
> pipeline to use say
> *the SQLGenerator etc.
> *
> *    Read the documentation.
> *http://xml.apache.org/cocoon/developing/webapps/authentication.html
> *
> *    It explains this in detail (see under User Administration).
> Then look at
> *the pipelines that are currently used to get a feel for how it
> works at the
> *moment.
> *
> *    Matthew
> *
> *    --
> *    Open Source Group       Cocoon { Consulting, Training, Projects }
> *    =================================================================
> *    Matthew Langham, S&N AG, Klingenderstrasse 5, D-33100 Paderborn
> *    Tel:+49-5251-1581-30  [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://www.s-und-n.de
> *    -----------------------------------------------------------------
> *    Cocoon book:
> *      http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0735712352/needacake-20
> *    Weblog:
> *      http://radio.weblogs.com/0103021/
> *    =================================================================
> *
> *      -----Original Message-----
> *      From: Richard Reyes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> *      Sent: Tuesday, November 12, 2002 10:06 AM
> *      To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> *      Subject: Re: Cocoon Portal - User Roles
> *
> *
> *      Hi again guys,
> *
> *      I have checked the source codes of the portal sample...
> *
> *      I found out that if I am to add new user or to add new roles, both
> *task
> *      will end up submitting forms with different parameters to this
> *resource
> *
> *      /cocoon/myportal/sunspotdemo-sunriseconf
> *
> *      which inturn would exactly match this sitemap snippet in the
> *process...
> *
> *

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