Hello Eduardo,

Eduardo Zurita wrote:
Hello again,
I have installed Tomcat 4.1.17 LE,
there is already a security update 4.1.18 (http://jakarta.apache.org/site/news.html#1219.1).

my J2SDK is 1.4.1_01 and my Cocoon version is 2.04 targetted for JDK 1.4.

*Note:*Cocoon includes all the packages required to run out of the box (included Xerces, Xalan and FOP) so you don't need to download anything else to start.

*Note:*Due to the incompatibilities between JDK 1.3 and JDK 1.4, you have to choose between a binary version targetted for JDK 1.2/1.3 and a version specially targetted for JDK 1.4. Using a build targetted for one JVM on a different JVM may result in runtime errors.


When I have downloaded Tomcat, I have chosen the "LE" version because in the Jakarta site I can read:
*JDK 1.4 LE:* This is a lightweight binary distribution of Tomcat 4, designed to be run on JDK 1.4. It does not include any of the optional binaries or the necessary XML parser (which is included in JDK 1.4). This build can be run on JDK 1.2+ by adding an XML parser. All the components of this distribution are open source software. This package does not contain JavaMail, Java Activation Framework, Xerces, JNDI or the JDBC Standard Extension
Well, then I have installed Cocoon 2.04
Have I done the correct installation (versions point of view)?
What is the recommended versions (most stable) and reliable?
The versions are ok.

Have I to deactivate Xerces in JDK1.4 or in Cocoon? Have I two Xerces?
You don't have two Xerces, but and old one in JDK, which is the wrong one. The Cocoon one isn't loaded then. You have to put the Cocoon's one into endorsed directory of Tomcat. Conclusion: Copy xalan-xxx.jar, xercesImpl-xxx.jar and xml-apis.jar from Cocoon's lib/core directory into Tomcat's common/endorsed directory.



A little help would be appreciated.

Please check that your question  has not already been answered in the
FAQ before posting.     <http://xml.apache.org/cocoon/faq/index.html>

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