> -----Original Message-----
> From: Pierrick Brihaye [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Saturday, January 18, 2003 4:31 AM
> Subject: XSP : control structures
> Hi,
> Are there control structures in XSP ? Here is what I mean (taken from
> http://xml.apache.org/cocoon/userdocs/xsp/logicsheet.html) :


> Got it ? The like for <xsp:choose> / <xsp:when>, <xsp:for-each>...
> Such things would be useful, wouldn't hey ?

I think that there has been an intention to keep this kind of structure
out of xsp - for the reasoning you'll have to search through the dev list
archives.  Generally I think the opinion has been that those types of
things are better left for later transformation steps.

If you give a more concrete example I bet you could get a discussion going
best practices for implementing it.

For the example you gave, if msg has either an empty string value, or a
useful value
(in other words not null), why wouldn't you just do:

<greeting><xsp:expr>msg</xsp:expr></greeting> ?

Geoff Howard

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