Title: RE: Antwort: i18n more!!!!!!!!! :(

Thanks a lot, i applied it with encoding=utf-8 but it just can display some international character!!! some cant!!!!!!
so .. do you know why and how to fix it??

i changed the encoding to ISO-8859-1 but i can not display any thing!!! does cocoon 2.0.4 not support for this encoding???

Thanks a lot for help!!
Gia Dinh

-----Original Message-----
Sent: 22 January 2003 18:02
Subject: Antwort: i18n more!!!!!!!!! :(


Do you use this Action in your pipeline?

<map:action name="set-encoding" src

<map:act type="set-encoding">
      <map:parameter name="form-encoding" value="utf-8"/>

If not, try to insert it before(!!!) your matchers, where the requests come
in. (inside the pipeline!!!)


[EMAIL PROTECTED] am 22.01.2003 11:59:04

Bitte antworten an [EMAIL PROTECTED]@inet

Thema:   i18n more!!!!!!!!! :(

Hi all

I am deploying my application on JBoss 3.0.4 and jdk 1.4 and cocoon 2.0.4
i can set and change language with static values OK but....!!!!!
when my request sent with unicode value and CR values in the text , the
ressponse always displays error characters and all CR are deleted!!!!!! ???

i dont know how to fix it???? as wella s sometimes it keeps  on confuses
between {../../locale} and {../../../locale}when upgrading cocoon
version??? why????? i am nearly dont know how and why those bug, althpough
i read all cocoon examples carefully??

cant you all tell me how to fix those bugs???

All your information are very appreciated!!
thanks a lot much!


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FAQ before posting.     <http://xml.apache.org/cocoon/faq/index.html>

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