I got this error installing cocoon 2.0.1 with tomcat 4.1.8 and with jdk


 type fatal

message Language Exception

description org.apache.cocoon.ProcessingException: Language Exception:
org.apache.cocoon.components.language.LanguageException: Error compiling
sitemap_xmap: Line 0, column 0: could not parse error message: error:
Invalid class file format in
C:\jdk4\jre\lib\rt.jar(java/io/OutputStream.class). The major.minor
version '48.0' is too recent for this tool to understand.
C:\Programmi\Apache Group\Tomcat
sitemap_xmap.java:12: Class java.io.OutputStream not found in import.
import java.io.OutputStream; ^ Line 0, column 0: could not parse error
message: error: Invalid class file format in
C:\jdk4\jre\lib\rt.jar(java/io/IOException.class). The major.minor
version '48.0' is too recent for this tool to understand.
C:\Programmi\Apache Group\Tomcat
sitemap_xmap.java:13: Class java.io.IOException not found in import.
import java.io.IOException; ^ Line 0, column 0: could not parse error
message: error: Invalid class file format in
C:\jdk4\jre\lib\rt.jar(java/util/List.class). The major.minor version
'48.0' is too recent for this tool to understand. C:\Programmi\Apache
sitemap_xmap.java:15: Class java.util.List not found in import. import
java.util.List; ^ Line 0, column 0: could not parse error message:
error: Invalid class file format in
C:\jdk4\jre\lib\rt.jar(java/util/ArrayList.class). The major.minor
version '48.0' is too recent for this tool to understand.
C:\Programmi\Apache Group\Tomcat
sitemap_xmap.java:16: Class java.util.ArrayList not found in import.
import java.util.ArrayList; ^ Line 0, column 0: could not parse error
message: error: Invalid class file format in
C:\jdk4\jre\lib\rt.jar(java/util/Map.class). The major.minor version
'48.0' is too recent for this tool to understand. C:\Programmi\Apache
sitemap_xmap.java:17: Class java.util.Map not found in import. import
java.util.Map; ^ Line 0, column 0: could not parse error message: error:
Invalid class file format in
C:\jdk4\jre\lib\rt.jar(java/util/HashMap.class). The major.minor version
'48.0' is too recent for this tool to understand. C:\Programmi\Apache
sitemap_xmap.java:18: Class java.util.HashMap not found in import.
import java.util.HashMap; ^ Line 0, column 0: could not parse error
message: error: Invalid class file format in
C:\jdk4\jre\lib\rt.jar(java/util/Stack.class). The major.minor version
'48.0' is too recent for this tool to understand. C:\Programmi\Apache
sitemap_xmap.java:19: Class java.util.Stack not found in import. import
java.util.Stack; ^ Line 0, column 0: could not parse error message:
error: Invalid class file format in
C:\jdk4\jre\lib\rt.jar(java/util/StringTokenizer.class). The major.minor
version '48.0' is too recent for this tool to understand.
C:\Programmi\Apache Group\Tomcat
sitemap_xmap.java:20: Class java.util.StringTokenizer not found in
import. import java.util.StringTokenizer; ^ Line 0, column 0: error:
Invalid class file format in
C:\jdk4\jre\lib\rt.jar(java/lang/Object.class). The major.minor version
'48.0' is too recent for this tool to understand. error: Class
java.lang.Object not found in class
org.apache.avalon.framework.logger.AbstractLoggable. 18 errors

sender org.apache.cocoon.servlet.CocoonServlet

source Cocoon servlet



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