> For what it's worth, I walked through the steps for building the minimal
war he was looking for on > Saturday, sent him the binary war (5 meg) and
posted the steps on the wiki.  He's already written a > first custom
generator that connects to his ejbs and seems much happier now.  He's
started to refer > to cocoon as "we"! :)  Some of that happened off list, so
I thought it worth sending in a quick 
> update.

Yes, I saw that.  I'm only now catching up with the 280 e-mails I had this
morning: that's what I get for being off-line all weekend; new baby girl at
home, who has time for computers :-)

> I do agree, Peter that many people will not see a need right away to strip
things out, but a great > point that Robert made is that the flip side of
keeping the expanse of possibilities visible to a 
> new user is that it's quite difficult to figure out what's essential and
what's not: especially for > the ejb world where logic and data access are
already well encapsulated.

Really the biggest issue for me as a new Cocoon users was the sitemap; you
get told to look at the sitemap since everything is controlled by the
sitemap.  Then, once you look at the sitemap you wonder what the heck is ALL
this stuff?  A WAR packed full of tons of JARS I can ignore, but Cocoon
isn't going to do me much good unless I can comprehend the sitemap. 

The flip side top this is that if you have a minimal sitemap then there is
no good way to learn the features of Cocoon incrementally.  Once you've got
things working with Cocoon what is going to make you look at other Coccon
components to see if you can extend things with Cocoon instead of
re-inventing the wheel?  You spend a bit of time looking, but there is so
much to look at it's often easier to just incrementally add to your own code
one bit at a time.  Next thing you know you've reinvented the Castor
transformer (or whatever)...

Please check that your question  has not already been answered in the
FAQ before posting.     <http://xml.apache.org/cocoon/faq/index.html>

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